Home Body Scrubs (Eczema) – Sugar and Coffee as an Ingredient?

Scrub body ingredients Coffee

For some of us, fall is coming.  Fall is a beautiful time to be outdoors because of the amazing colors.  The downside is the cold weather that comes with it may cause major issues for those with dry skin and Eczema like myself.  It can be quite a struggle having to suffer from extremely dry skin at this time where my skin can appear wrinkly or alligator-like because of eczema.  We have to prepare for this season as our skin will be even drier as Winter approaches.  So how do we prepare for this?

Body Scrubbing is the Key!

Many skin care specialists will say to start body scrubbing in preparation for the fall as you would normally do in summer time as well.  Scrubbing helps the skin glow.  Once fall and winter season hits, it will be harder to maintain a soft moisturized skin.  In other words, do it early (before fall) so your maintenance will be easier!

What does Body Scrubbing exactly do?

Body scrubbing helps remove excess dead skin.  This allows your Eczema creams and lotions to efficiently penetrate our layers of skin.  Thus giving us a youthful vibrant look!  Dry skin will make you look older at any age so moisture is the key!  For me I scrub all season, so I can get the most benefits out of my creams.

20:365 - Cocoa Butter Browns by Nomadic Lass, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License by Nomadic Lass – Body Scrub using Cocoa Butter

When to Scrub

I like to scrub at least once a week and at night just before bed.  I do it while taking a bath or anytime I shower.  While showering, it is easier to manage the scrubbing in my opinion since I can wash the mixture afterwards with ease.

How to Scrub


You basically take a mixture (I provide 2 below) and start scrubbing with your hands onto your skin for 30 seconds or more.  I start with my arms, neck, legs and then the rest of my body.

Precautions when Scrubbing mixture (taken from naturalhealthmag.com.au)

  • Avoid using on breasts and genitalia area.
  • Avoid on varicose veins, open wounds, inflamed skin or painful rashes.
  • Avoid on sun-burnt areas.
  • Stop scrubbing if an allergic reaction appears.

Here are two ways to make your own scrub mixture.


This scrub mixture uses two simple ingredients: sugar and oil!  You can use any oils from olives, coconuts, almonds, jojoba, etc.   You need to mix the sugar and the oil at a 2:1 ratio respectively. This means whatever amount you put the sugar, you will put about half the amount of oil.

I know many people like to use salt scrubs mixes out there but sugar is gentler, especially for those with sensitive skin.  Some suggested using cane sugar or brown sugar, but I say use whatever you feel is best for you.

Issues with Salt

Salt scrubs may be too abrasive and causes a lot of stinging especially on patches of skin severely affected by Eczema.   This is why I highly recommend in using sugar instead.

Benefits of using Sugar Instead

Sugar also contains moisturizing properties which doesn’t dry out your skin after scrubbing.  It may be the reason why sugar is usually recommended for those with dry skin.

Optional: Add-ons to mix

You may add any essential oils (lavender oil, etc.) to the mix for added benefits to your skin. Some may use this for aromatherapy benefits or some have more moisture benefits.  I also recommend using tea leaves from green tea bags which is beneficial because of the caffeine.

You might ask:  What are the caffeine benefits?  Continue reading below!


Another increasingly popular scrub mix is using coffee grinds as an ingredient.  I find this mix helps my skin absorb any moisturizers.

Benefit of caffeine

Coffee and Tea have caffeinated properties in reducing cellulite, improving circulation and tightening & smoothing out any puffy areas by constricting blood vessels.  It is also high in antioxidant which can act as an anti-inflammatory ingredient, which is great because it doesn’t aggravate my skin at all.

Steps in using Coffee Grinds

Step 1. The simplest way is to take out the remains of the coffee grind that was used to make coffee, preferably when it is warm.  Cool form is alright too.

Step 2. Mix it with any oil mentioned above.  I like to use olive oil in this case; it seems to work well with the grinds.

Step 3. For every two tablespoons of coffee grinds, you would add three teaspoons of oil.  It should come to a consistency like the image below.(Click for larger image)

Scrub body ingredients Coffee

If it’s is not consistent enough simply add more oil.

Warning: Coffee grounds will be a bit messy, so you may spend a bit of time cleaning up the tub once you are done.

I grew up with a mild to severe case of Eczema. I'm all about skin care tips, good eating, skin cream reviews, and healthy & positive living!