Is Iodine Essential for Health or Healthy Skin?

Iodine is an essential nutrient that helps our bodies to naturally detox in order to prevent harmful chemicals from affecting thyroid health and function. A deficiency in iodine can cause health issues in our skin and body as a whole. Eg. Iodine also plays a role in hormone regulation which affects acne breakouts.

Iodine Health Benefits

Iodine has the following health benefits:

1. Improves Metabolism

A strong metabolism is key to maintaining a strong and healthy body and mind. It can also strengthen your immune system and boost energy. Impaired thyroid function can lead to a sluggish or slow metabolism that causes health issues.

Supplementing with iodine can help to optimize thyroid gland function and ultimately regulate metabolism. This helps to improve digestion, temperature, weight and heart rate, among other health factors.

2. Can Be Used as an Antioxidant

When free radicals are allowed to proliferate in the body, they can cause cellular and DNA damage, poor health and even shorten lifespan.

That’s why it’s important to combat free radicals with antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, folic acid, and vitamin C. Iodine is especially adept at fighting the oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the blood.

3. Boosts Skin, Nails, Hair and Teeth Health

Iodine is also an essential component of forming healthy skin, hair, nails, teeth, and bones. Weak nails, hear and bones often point to an iodine deficiency and can be combated with proper supplementation.

Iodine Food Sources

The good news is that it’s not difficult to get iodine from diet. Seafood is the most abundant source of iodine. But, if you’re allergic, then you can always get it from foods that are cultivated in iodine-rich soil such as fruits, vegetables, unpasteurized eggs, and dairy products.

Since the 1920s, salt manufacturers have been adding iodine to table salt in order to fight goiter growth. But, this isn’t the case with all types of salt. To find out if your salt is iodized, look for a label that says “iodized” just to be sure.

With that said, table salt consumption is not enough to meet your iodine requirements. It’s also not recommended as it can cause high sodium levels that lead to health conditions such as kidney disease, high blood pressure and can increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Opt for healthier sources of salt such as Himalayan Pink salt or sea salt. They might not have as much iodine as iodized salt, but they’re also lower in sodium due to having a bulky texture.

The best natural sources of iodine that you can add to your diet include wild-harvested seaweed in the form of wakame, nori or kelp, as well as fresh-caught ocean fish like sardines, pacific salmon and cod. Just make sure to stick to cold-water fish and avoid any varieties that contain lots of heavy metal.

TOPICAL Application??

On a different note you may see ‘TOPICAL Iodine ‘at the drug store. This product’s main role is in the healing of cuts and scar tissue which makes it a major player in skin repair where it is applied topically. It does this by activating cellular function which helps to regenerate lower skin layers.  WARNING – Don’t apply on burns, bites from animals, puncture or deep cuts/wounds. Talk to a medical expert.

I grew up with a mild to severe case of Eczema. I'm all about skin care tips, good eating, skin cream reviews, and healthy & positive living!