3 Tips on Preventing Eczema Facial Flare-ups

neck Eczema

Here are some tips for preventing facial flare-ups:

Eczema Flare ups

Tip 1:

Keep your face fresh nightly – There has been a saying from some make up gurus that leaving your make-up on while you sleep will age you by a couple days or may even cause more breakouts. There has been a couple times where I come home from working tirelessly and collapse on my comfy bed then found myself scratching my face in the morning as soon as I wake up or when I’m about to wash my face.

My skin appears to be more sensitive when I apply my facial cleanser (even with little parabens) that doesn’t usually cause me flare-ups or when I take a nice warm shower. If I were to stick to my nightly routine of cleansing my face before bed, it usually does not happen. This is where my homemade facial toner comes in handy to stop the itching although the redness remains from the scratching but gradually disappears over time. I might consider buying a paraben-free cleanser once I finish my old one to see if I get better results regardless if I forget to wash my face. Sometimes its hard to be perfect in life and there will be times i’ll get extremely tired to do anything about it.

Tip 2:

Don’t over think and avoid stressing yourself out – perhaps its easier said than done. There is no doubt that stress is unavoidable and is one of the biggest factors that will cause eczema flare-ups. When we worry, our brain has the ability to send signals to anywhere in our body, either releasing unwanted chemicals through neurotransmitters or hormones to perform abnormal immune response that heightens our eczema. Most of time at night when I’m studying for my exams or simply over thinking in wanting to get everything done in a day, I may force my body against sleep (even if I’m laying down in bed) and this truly triggers my flare up.

Unwanted eczema bubbles appear mostly on the face as well on hands and cause me to scratch until it stops itching or to the point my skin will bleed if I leave it untreated or don’t go straight to bed. If I decide to stop thinking of whatever is troubling me, I immediately go to a deep sleep rather than fighting it and I wake up feeling better without any flare ups.. No medications needed. I find sleep helps and is important in repairing our skin.

Tip 3:

Try to get enough sleep – Today we live in a busy world where there’s hardly no play or leisure to relieve our daily stress, as we grow older. It’s important to get a good night sleep, but not many of us do. A lack of sleep decreases the efficiency of our immune system and our body takes a toll for it. As a result, flare-ups can appear. A good night sleep usually ranges from 6 ½ hours to 9 hours depending on the individual. You can tell if you had enough sleep when you wake up feeling great, not groggy but reenergized.

I grew up with a mild to severe case of Eczema. I'm all about skin care tips, good eating, skin cream reviews, and healthy & positive living!