How is Eczema Treated?

One of the primary symptoms is itching, and the itching is often severe, anti-itch creams or cold compresses are used to try to relieve the itching. Lotions and creams are also used to moisturize and hydrate the dry, cracking skin to reduce the intensity of the itching.

Dermatologists will often prescribe a cream containing beta mozol or some type of steroid to reduce the build-up scaliness or flakiness of the skin. Reducing the itchiness is still questionable but it does speed up the healing of the skin which may or may not be much of help in terms of the constant itch-rash cycle whenever the skin heals. Using very little of it on the affected area is best because it has the ability to cause skin thinning.

In severe cases, prednisone may be prescribed as a last resort in a form of a steroid pill that suppresses the itchiness of the skin.  In my experience, it has worked temporarily but constant use of it will have major health side effects in the longterm. For this reason, I wouldn’t recommend it at all.

In some cases, doctors will prescribe anti-histamine pills or allergy pills to fight the symptoms.

To shed some light, there are constantly new researches being done on eczema such as:

  • the use of coconut oil on minor eczema
  • Phototheraphy – where it is similar in receiving sun on the skin as if you were stepping outside in the  summer due to the belief that there is a huge deficiency of vitamin D. Today, it is even believed that vitamin D gives overall health and that many people even those  with no eczema are lacking it. New research fights the traditional belief that the sun is bad for you when in fact it has the ability to change or mutate the DNA in your skin (biology).  Therefore, it speeds up the healing of the skin.
I grew up with a mild to severe case of Eczema. I'm all about skin care tips, good eating, skin cream reviews, and healthy & positive living!