Top 3 Benefits of Vitamin K1 and K2

Vitamin K is mainly known for its ability to assist in blood clotting but it’s actually a collection of vitamins that offer a wide range of other health benefits. In this article, we will share with you all the information you need to understand this vitamin. You’ll also learn the difference between Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2, and the benefits you get when you have a fair amount of these vitamins in your system.

K1 vs. K2

Vitamin K in any form has the ability to activate proteins that contribute to bone health, heart health, and blood clotting.

But vitamin K1 and K2 can have different effects on your body depending on factors like how the vitamin is transported through the system, as well as the level of absorption. The truth is that the human body cannot effectively absorb the vitamin K1 found in plants. Studies indicate that only 10% of the vitamin K1 from plants can be successfully assimilated into the body.

Although there’s even less data on the assimilation of vitamin K2, experts consider it easier to assimilate because of the high fat content found in the food that contain it. That’s mainly because vitamin K itself is fat soluble which means it goes down easier when consumed together with dietary fat.

Plus, vitamin K2 contains a long side chain which means it stays in the bloodstream for several days, whereas K1 circulates in the bloodstream for a few hours. According to experienced researchers, the longer vitamin K2 circulates in the bloodstream, the more effective it is at positively affecting several tissues and organs in the body. On the other hand, Vitamin K1 is mostly used by the liver.

As you can see, Vitamin K1 and K2 play different roles in the body and we’re going to discover just how far apart they are.

Main Benefits of Vitamin K1 and K2

Available research data indicates that vitamin K may have extensive benefits for heart health, bone health, and blood clotting.

Bone Health

Research data shows that vitamin K can also trigger the proteins involved in bone growth and development. In controlled studies, low levels of vitamin K1 and K2 have been shown to contribute to bone problems that lead to fractures.

Heart Health

Vitamin K has also been shown to have a positive effect on heart health. That’s because this vitamin activates a protein that inhibits the buildup of calcium deposits in the arteries thus preventing heart diseases. If these calcium deposits were allowed to continue accumulating, they would lead to plaque build-up and eventually, heart disease.

Coagulation or Blood Clotting

Vitamin K contributes a great deal to the proteins responsible for blood clotting. Blood clotting is important because it prevents excessive bleeding and allows your body to heal wounds and injuries quickly.


As you can see, vitamin K1 and K2 are essential in preventing heart disease, bone health issues and blood clotting. That’s why it’s considered to be one of the most important nutrients to include in a well-balanced diet.

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