Top 3 Benefits of Collagen for Better Skin and Health

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know all about collagen’s skin tightening properties. The good news is that collagen is a naturally occurring protein and there’s plenty of it to go around in the body. It’s mostly available in the connective tissues and the bones.

Taking collagen can lead to brighter, firmer and plump skin. It can also help prevent skin issues like cellulite. A little known fact is that this nutrient is also beneficial for cultivating stronger and healthier nails and hair.

Due to its ability to promote skin elasticity, collagen intake is a fantastic way to smooth wrinkles and fine lines. Collagen can also help you alleviate joint pain, arthritis and other signs of aging.

Collagen Benefits

Here are the three main benefits that you get from collagen:

Reverses Skin Aging

It’s a well-known fact that collagen works great at cultivating bright and firm skin. That’s because it improves skin elasticity to cultivate a healthier and more youthful appearance.

However, as we get older, our bodies produce less collagen and we develop wrinkles, fine lines, and sagginess as a result. Luckily, collagen supplements are available to help boost our natural collagen.

According to a 2014 study, collagen can significantly improve skin elasticity in just four weeks. This study involved 46 female participants between the ages of 35 to 55 years, and one half of the group was given a placebo while the other half got a collagen hydrolysate supplement.

The same company conducted a similar study using the same supplement and it showed similar results, with participants experiencing results within eight weeks this time. It’s worth noting that the group who got a placebo didn’t experience any change in skin elasticity.  

Reduces Cellulite

Another benefit of collagen is that it can also contribute to reducing the appearance of cellulite. This is a problem that most women struggle with and there are very few viable solutions for it.

A manufacturing company of a collagen supplement conducted a study in 2015 aimed at confirming the drug’s ability to affect cellulite. During the study, a group of 105 women between the ages of 24 to 50 years were given Type I collagen peptides for a period of six months. The participants who took the supplement saw a considerable improvement in skin texture.

But, on its own, this study is not enough to prove that collagen can be a treatment for cellulite. More studies need to be conducted in order to confirm these findings, perhaps with a larger focus group as well.

Improve Digestive Health

As mentioned, collagen is mostly present in the connective tissues, and this includes the stomach. In fact, there’s plenty of collagen in your digestive tract’s protective lining. This helps protect your intestines from conditions like leaky gut syndrome and inflammation.

To prove this point, a study was conducted in 2016 with 170 participants who all suffered from inflammatory bowel syndrome. Based on observations, these individuals were found to have less serum collagen compared to healthy individuals without gut problems.

This led scientists to theorize that collagen intake can help improve gut health by building up the tissues along the gastrointestinal tract. But there isn’t enough research-backed evidence to connect digestive health and collagen supplementation.

Also look into Neem oil and Copper Peptides which supposedly helps stimulate collagen when it comes to healing small wounds. I will also add into the mix the popularity of Collagen Peptides which comes in powder form and is made from bone broth of grass fed Cows. I haven’t tried collagen peptides, but I will definitely research more into this new trend that many people say help improved their skin elasticity.

I grew up with a mild to severe case of Eczema. I'm all about skin care tips, good eating, skin cream reviews, and healthy & positive living!