Symptoms of Dry Skin – A Basic Knowledge

Did you know the skin is the largest tissue found on the body? Skin is in the forefront of beauty because it is the most visible part and it starts to wrinkle as we age. From a health point of view, skin can tell us many things in terms of being healthy overall. It also acts as a barrier to outside elements such as bacteria.

One of the major drawbacks that a majority of people will encountered is the complication of dry skin because of genetics, weather (seasons) and age. Dry skin is self-explanatory but let’s dive a bit deeper.

What exactly is dry-skin?

Dry skin can basically be defined as an uncomfortable condition marked by scaling, itching and cracking of the skin. Medically it is referred to xerosis and is not a life-threatening condition, but rather a common one where it can affect people of all ages and of all skin types; though there are some people who are more prone to dry skin than others.

What causes dry skin?

Dry skin may be linked to several factors like certain ingredients in soaps/detergents or working in harsh conditions. However, environmental factors are one of the major factors and it entails weather conditions; hot, cold or dry.  These factors cause the skin to lose its precious moisture.

In some cases, dry-skin conditions may provoke other skin conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis (rapid build-up of dry skin and scales) and this can lead to devastating effects to the individual.


Knowing whether you are suffering from dry skin is the first step towards treatment. Symptoms of dry skin vary among individuals depending on age, and the degree of exposure to the environmental agents. However, there are basic signs that one should lookout for before the real warning bell starts to ring:

  • A feeling of skin tightness especially after swimming, bathing or showering
  • Itching
  • Fine lines or cracks or wrinkles
  • Skin that feels and looks rough
  • Deep cracks that may start bleeding

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is advisable that you seek appropriate treatment.

Some Basic Treatment

Early stages and nearly all forms of dry skin can be treated at home using over the counter remedies (lotions/creams) and small lifestyle changes. However, if you apply home remedies and things don’t change for the better, then you will need to make a call to your doctor and get professional aid.

This should be the case especially when:

  • Dry skin is accompanied by redness
  • There is no improvement whatsoever despite the efforts to treat the condition at home
  • You have open wounds and sores as a result of scratching
  • You have a vast area of peeling and scaling skin.

Please click on the following link for skin-care tips on preventing dry skin.

Risk factors

Dry skin can be mild during the first occurrences but if left untreated, it can turn out disastrous. This simple condition can turn into a more serious skin condition such as atopic dermatitis aka Eczema (linked to cracking, redness and inflammation) and if the open sores (due to scratching) are left open and unattended to, other infections may get into the bloodstream and cause body complications. Furthermore, this condition is often seasonal with highest risk during the winter time when the humidity and the temperatures are extremely low.  If you have Eczema and would like more information on treatments, please navigate to my cure for atopic dermatitis discussion page.

I grew up with a mild to severe case of Eczema. I'm all about skin care tips, good eating, skin cream reviews, and healthy & positive living!